Workshops and Classes and Schedule in North Platte
Lunch on your own 12-1 Food Trucks available on site at PrairieArtCenter and cafeteria at Mid Plains
conference registration fee [required] $8.00
Wednesday, June 11
Registration open Set Up Exhibits 10 to 3 MidPlains Community College
Exhibit closes for judging and Exhibit Board 3:00 MidPlains Community College
Opening Reception at Prairie Arts Center 5:30 -7:00 appitizers and drinks
Thursday June 12
Exhibit opens to public 8 -5 MidPlains Community College
Behman Ahmadian mixed media 9:00-4:00 MidPlains Community College Room 131….. $80
Ken Hosmer watercolor 9:00-4:00 MidPlains Community College
Room 135….. $55
Todd Williams oil 10:00-4:00 Prairie Arts Center Great Plains Room …… .$95
Holly Carlini woodburned hats 2 to 4 Prairie Arts Center
main classroom………. .$65
Executive Board Meets Mid Plains Community College 4:00
Fun Night Fort Cody Concert/ Buffalo Bill Cody plein aire drawing 6:00-9:00 $5 at the gate
food trucks, your cost availaliable. bring your own chair
Nebraska singer songwriter Daniel Christian headliner
Friday June 13
Exhibit opens to public 8 -5 MidPlains Community College
Behman Ahmadian mixed media 9:00-4:00 MidPlains Community College Room 131….. $80
Ken Hosmer watercolor 9:00-4:00 MidPlains Community College Room 135….. $55
Armando Villareal/Dik Haneline airbrush 1100-400 MidPlains CC
Room 137….. $75
Todd Williams oil 10:00-4:00 Prairie Arts Center main classroom ……. $95
Joan Swim plein aire paintinting 9:00-4:00 Cody Park $40
Open Ceramics 2:00-5:30 no registration required $10 to mail fired pieces
Awards Banquet/ Business Meeting 5:30 cocktails 6:30 Dinner $28
Beef Brisket w potatoes vegetable roll chicken cordon blu w potatoes, vegetables roll
Saturday, June 14
Exhibit opens to public 8-3 Pick up artwork at 4pm. MidPlains Community College
Behman Ahmadian mixed media 9:00-4:00 MidPlains Community College Room 131….. $80
Ken Hosmer watercolor 9:00-4:00 MidPlains Community College
Room 135….. $55
Armando Villareal airbrushing 11:00-4:00 MidPlains Community College Room 137….. $75
Dik Haneline sculpture/assemblage 10 to 3 Prairie Arts Center basement classroom $50
Sue Perez color pencil 11:00 to 2:00 Prairie Arts Center
main classroom $40
Joan Swim plein aire painting 9;00-4:00 Cody park $40
Open Ceramics 11:00-200 no registration required $10 to mail fired pieces
Merchandise Items
Tee Shirts small medium large XL $20
White Apron with pocket & logo $25
Coffee Mug w logo $15
Total enclosed
Name Club
Phone email
Mail form and check to North Platte Art Guild 2025 ANAC Conference
Sue Perez 1709 E 2nd North Platte Ne 69101
Please send by May 25th. Classes open to public after that date. Merchandise ordered after that date cannot be guaranteed. Conference questions: Sue Perez 308530 9488